Thursday, 27 November 2014

Sound Anaylsis of Disability in A Touch of Frost

Diegetic Sounding that can be heard during the short clip of " A Touch of Frost" of disability when Billy is speaking during the clip. The language of Billy, is sometimes not that all clear and understandable to other character, take for example when Inspector Frost is talking to Billy in his parent's living room with his father being in the room at the time supporting Billy. The inspector knows that he is getting simple words out of him although its very child-like. Also the inspector could mannered to understand what he is saying; implying that some disabled people with speak problems can't be understood clearly enough unlike normal speaking people.
Furthermore, Billy's language represents that disabled people with speak problems can be seen to be sinister as they are trying to act incident with a hidden thoughts within them.
Even more another example of diegetic sounding is heard in the clip is when the police are shouting to Billy at the start of the clip, forcing him to stop. In the clip, the police shouts "Oh stop!". This implies that modern day's police treated everyone even if they are disabled or not the same, showing that everyone can be capable of doing the wrong things in today's world.

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