Thursday, 27 November 2014

Analysis of 'A touch of Frost' Sound usage

Sound was used a lot in effect in the extract. This was mainly done with the use of dialogue. Billy, (the disabled), slurs his speech to indicate his disability, and also delays before every piece of speech. His father clarifies Billy's speech for Frost, showing he must be there to support Billy. Billy also lies in the extract, showing not all disabled people are going to tell the truth as they haven't the capacity to tell lies. Before meeting Billy, Frost talks about Billy as 'abnormal'; differentiating him from other people.  Frost begins quite calm, and speaks to Billy like a child; patronising him. This makes the audience believe that disabled are quite weak, and have to be supported by others; Billy's dad. However, once Billy lies, Frost becomes much more angry; putting pressure on Billy for the truth. This is also because Frost has information that Billy was seen with the girl, but due to regulations unmentioned, Frost could not be as direct. This makes disabled people much weaker as certain regulations must be set against them.

Bradley Roberts

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